Key considerations before moving ahead with a Remodelling Project
Remodelling in its own way can be as exciting and rewarding as constructing a brand new building from scratch. That being said there are also a lot of unique challenges that are faced by the constructors working on a remodel. There can be issues with regards to getting proper permits, unforeseen circumstances or unexpected delays. Moreover, the margins are also lower as compared to a new construction. There is thus, a very good reason to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
In the below article we have developed a list of things a constructor must think of before going ahead with a remodelling project.
1. Ensure that a 3D BIM Model is available:
BIM Drafting Services play a very important role in any remodelling process. Old buildings especially those that have not had any renovation done for over a decade one might be hard pressed to find digital documents. A construction firm must ensure that the project has a virtual 3D model representing exact physical, technical, and functional characteristics of a building. If a BIM model is not available, then it can either be constructed from as-built drawings or from point cloud data created by utilizing a 3D laser scanner for more accurate representation.
2. Ensure the validity of the 3D Model Data:
It is also essential to note that just because a 3D model is available it doesn’t mean that it has reliable and accurate information that can be used as a basis for a remodel plan. Even if the geometry, the installation information, manufacturer’s instructions etc. was accurate when it was constructed it might no longer be so. A singular component may be discontinued or quality of a product could have changed with time. Also a lot of building codes, standards and practices which were valid when the 3D Model was built might no longer be in force today which can create issues with regards to governmental permits. An updated and precise 3D Model ensures that there are no unexpected challenges during the actual remodelling.
3. Perform a 3D Laser Scan:
In the above two points we have stressed the importance of having a detailed 3D model. The best possible method of doing that is by Scan to BIM. By utilizing a 3D laser scanner one can get a clear and accurate representation of the building conditions as they are. 3D laser scans can also be combined with schematic drawings and photorealistic images so that even the hidden and minute MEP Components of the building can be incorporated into the 3D model. Weather it is for updating the BIM model or comparing with to the existing one; the end result remains a wholly precise BIM model that can be used for planning, collaboration and remodelling of the building.
4. Complete the detailing and design:
Once the data has been collected the next step is construct the 3D model from which 2D drawings can be extracted for the onsite remodelling. Here the architect and engineers must decide what are the problem areas, which components have to be replaced or where new technology can be beneficial during the building lifecycle. Following which Clash Detection needs to be conducted so that any inter or intra discipline clashes can be detected. Revit 3D Modelling Services has in-built interference check which allows for Clash Detection, however a more accurate and predominantly used software is Navisworks. Once the clash is detected, feasible design changes are made in order to produce error –free and construction ready 3D models.
5. Maximizing on the benefits of BIM:
The Building Information Model has various dimensions which can augment the whole construction process when used properly. BIM provides a platform for sharing data and knowledge between all stakeholders of the project and also facilitates easy decision making. 4D and 5D BIM also allows to incorporate schedule and cost into the BIM model. Construction Scheduling makes it possible to gain control across the various activities of the construction process. With precise sequencing models and phasing charts one can track the resources, monitor the work and improve collaboration. By evaluating material quantities BIM also provides cost estimation right in the pre-planning phase. Both budget and schedule forecasting helps in risk analysis for the project and ensures that the remodelling stay on track.
The above article helps the construction companies understand a few points that they must consider while going through a remodel. A BIM model provides a single source of information and common database that puts the construction companies in an optimal position to deal with on-site challenges.