Role of MEP BIM in the life-cycle of the building

Role of MEP BIM in the life-cycle of the building

The traditional Drafting Company uses CAD Software to create mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems in 2D. This helps convey the intent of construction and is also useful for documentation purpose. However, it does have its limitations and this is where BIM steps in. The Building Information model helps engineers design and detail MEP building systems more efficiently. MEP BIM in the pre-designing phase improves accuracy as well as reduces and resolves clashes. It provides critical data that subcontractors and prefabricators may need for construction or installation. It also allows to extract 2D drawings which can be easier to understand at the ground level. Finally, with facility management MEP BIM can be utilized for maintenance and fit out works.

1. MEP BIM for Coordination:

BIM allows to detect any clashes that occur between disciplines or within the MEP components. By 3D modelling the engineers can first identify if components are running into each other like a ductwork into beam and causing a hard clash. They can also ensure that MEP elements are getting correct spatial tolerances or their buffer zone is breached causing a soft clash. It allows to notice any work scheduling conflicts. By detecting clash at the right time a lot of time, money and labour can be saved.

2BIM for MEP Pre-Fabrication:

There are various components of MEP systems like water pipes, pre-insulated air conditioning ducts, plugs, etc. which are first manufactured off site and then assembled or installed on site. BIM ensures that the pre-fabricated modules and panels depicts the standard sizes of MEP components within the structure. 5D BIM can then be used for scheduling and delivery of these prefabricated elements. Prefabrication reduces material handling, wastage as well as maintains product quality in the environment controlled warehouses.

3. BIM for MEP Installation

MEP designing is a two tier approach where MEP engineers develop the virtual 3D Model with precise geometric dimensions. These clash free models are then used to extract schematic and plans which can be handed over to the constructor. The 3D Model ensures that any required changes in the geometry of shapes can be altered in the conception stage. This guarantees that there are no errors on site and the components actually fit together. BIM also makes it possible to undertake load calculations and ensures that the equipment used for installation purpose can handle load. It prevents unnecessary onsite accidents and reduces waste and increases safety.

4. 7D Facility Management:

7D Facility management is used for maintenance of the building once the construction process is complete and its keys are handed over to the building manager. In the 3D Model each MEP component is labeled making asset location easier and quicker, especially for components that are not visible so that the repairman is not blindly digging through the walls. It also contains all the requisite information regarding the MEP components like its physical condition, its product number, important documents so that the building manager or the owner can schedule timely maintenance and upgrades.


MEP BIM Services have transformed the construction industry and from the above listit becomes apparent thatit provides abundant benefits for all the stakeholders involved in the construction process. By implementing MEP BIM right from the pre-designing phase of the construction designers and engineers can augment the complete building process.
