CAD Services & it’s utilization in the Architectural Industry
Computer aided design or CAD can in broad terms be defined as creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design by using a software. CAD software in the past two decades has positively contributed to the development of the engineering and architectural industries. Specifically, in the architectural sector, it has by replacing traditional drafting and design methods like pen and paper, allowed the architects to plan, simulate and produce their new ideas faster, better and in a single program.
By utilizing CAD Services right from the planning stage, architects can significantly decrease the timeline of design cycle. An integrated CAD usage allows AEC firms to meet their goals more efficiently. Construction time, quality, and productivity all improve when using CAD, which translates to improved margins. Below we focus on CAD and how it has provided benefits for the Architectural Industry:
Digitization of Architectural Construction Drawings:
CAD Drafting is a process of converting the conceptual design into detailed drawings with annotations, layers, dimensions etc. With CAD the architect or the designer can create call types of architectural construction drawings may it detailed site plans with precisely scaled elements, floor plans with fully colored finishing materials or extremely detailed furniture plans.
Many CAD software like AutoCAD, provide a wide array of tools that measure the precision, skill and accuracy level of the designs. With CAD, elements can be easily copied, pasted, and moved around making it is possible to create multiple iterations of a design or quickly modifying the existing files. This eliminates the need to draw every variation separately from scratch. Moreover, they can also be saved and transferred in no time. Thus, with advent of CAD what was once an onerous process has now become faster and more meticulous.
Utilization of CAD Services in Architectural visualization
With CAD it becomes easy to properly visualize a conceptual design. It provides us with the entire view of the building structure, its surroundings, wall colors, roof styles, windows, doors etc. CAD can be combined with 3D Rendering Services to add lighting, textures, and materials and create photorealistic images. By accurate visualization the client can get a clear idea of the architect’s vision and provide any input regarding issues or modifications. Moreover, proper presentation can also make it easy to procure government approvals as well financing.
Easy communication Between Project Stakeholders
An architect never really works in isolation. In order for any building to be properly constructed there are various people that need to work together- from project stakeholders to investors to construction workers. CAD provides drawings and designs in convenient digital formats like pdf which is lightweight and can be viewed on any platform. It is also possible to print out drafts in any required size.
Secondly, a drafting software provides an option of cloud syncing, due to which it is possible to make or edit the drawings anywhere and instantaneously update it. Since all the stakeholders can promptly see the updated version, unnecessary delays and costly mistakes can be avoided.
Planning and Design:
By using CAD architects and designers are able to view different aspects and perspectives of their building from within a single program. This allows to locate and fix problems quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, when it comes to risk management and cost there is only so much that CAD can offer. However, many CAD systems have become fully integrated with BIM providing the architects the interface they require.
Opting to choose CAD can be the best thing in terms of optimizing an architecture firm’s operations. It cuts down on expenses, reduces technical mistakes as well as makes the whole processes faster. CAD can make even the most contentious client happy.