Common BIM Terms every AEC Professional must be aware about – Part 2
It is essential that every AEC professional has the knowledge about industry terminology and jargons. In the Part 1 we talked about the dimensions of BIM, the BIM execution plan, Common Data Environment, and BOQ and BOM. Here we will be looking at the other BIM Services terms like Clash Detection, BIM Coordination etc.:
1. BIM Maturity Levels:
BIM Maturity Levels range from 0-3 and are defined with regards to the construction supply chain’s ability to operate and exchange information.
BIM Level 0 (Low Collaboration) – It has low collaboration and uses 2D CAD to create 2D Drawings. Information is shared either by paper drawings or by PDF.
BIM Level 1(Partial Collaboration)– 3D CAD is used for conceptual planning while 2D Drafting is used for creating documents for statutory approval and production information.
BIM Level 2: (Full Collaboration)– All the stakeholders use 3D Modeling software but are they work on their 3D model rather than working on shared 3D model.
BIM Level 3: (Full Integration)– Here all the stakeholders work on a single shared model. They can access and modify the model in real time leading to a smooth collaboration.
2. BIM Coordination:
In a given BIM model there are various disciplines involved i.e. architectural, structural and MEP. BIM Coordination is necessary to ensure that there are no clashes either within the models or between the disciplines. Accurate BIM Coordination Services ensure that there are no errors onsite which could lead to rework and cause monetary loss or waste of time and resources.
3. Clash Avoidance, Clash Detection and Clash Resolution:
Clash Avoidance is a proactive process where measures are taken to ensure that are no spatial and semantic overlaps. Clash Detection is a reactive process which detects any kind of clashes in the 3D model. Software like Navisworks, Revit etc. are used to detect clashes and then a report is generated which is sent to the concerned department. In clash resolution necessary steps are taken to ensure that clashes are eliminated and the model is indeed clash free.
4. Types of Clashes:
There are three types of clashes. Hard Clash is when two objects are occupying the same space. It could be intra discipline hard clash for instance between a plumbing pipe and an HVAC duct or it could be between two discipline like between a structural beam and a duct. Soft Clash occurs whenever any object is not given the right tolerance like air conditioning unit might not been given the requisite tolerance it needs for the maintenance and safety. Finally, a workflow clash or a 4D clash is with regards to scheduling clashes or workflow anomality for instance the date for assembly of MEP components is scheduled before the delivery date.
5. BIM Protocols:
They are based on the contractual relationship between the supplier or the service provider and the ordering party. They cover definite roles of participants, state the BIM levels to be achieved in the project. It clearly outlines the requirements from the parties and imposes obligations and rights upon them.
Thus, the ten terms state the few important BIM terms each AEC professional must be aware about. Knowing and understanding what they mean could help make their introduction to BIM a little simpler.