Common BIM Terms every AEC Professional must be aware about – Part 1

Common BIM Terms every AEC Professional must be aware about – Part 1

Building Information Modeling is an intelligent 3D model-based process that aids the AEC professionals in effectively designing, planning, constructing and managing buildings. It provides a host of advantages like better collaboration, clash detection tools, enhanced productivity, financial savings etc. Looking at the above benefits of BIM Services it is not really surprising that it is slowly taking the centre stage in the construction industry. It is also constantly evolving with new plug-ins, software, processes etc. With new advancements there also comes new jargons and industry terminology which the industry professionals must be aware of. Below we look at few of the BIM terms:

1. BIM Dimensions:

The BIM model is more than a 3D representation of the object as it contains all the information necessary for the project. 4D BIM is a 3D model that has all the information regarding time and scheduling. It involves information like construction, assembly, delivery, fabrication time etc. 5D BIM has information about cost and quantity take-offs. 6D BIM understands the impact of construction on environment and address the concerns of sustainability. Finally, 7D BIM is used for facility management. Knowing what each dimension represents is important to determine exactly what you can get out of BIM.

2. BIM Execution Plan:

At the project onboarding a BIM Execution Plan is created to ensure a successful completion of the BIM project. The BEP should highlight the project timeline, state the roles and responsibilities, determine the relevant standards and codes, the methods and procedure to complete the project as well as mention the exact hardware and software requirements.

3. Common Data Environment:

Common Data Environment is a shared repository with all the information regarding the BIM model. The CDE collects, manages and stores information that the multidisciplinary team from various departments can access in order to improve coordination and boost productivity. It is ideally hosted on an external server that is accessible to the parties with the right information.

4. Federated Models:

A federated model is a combined BIM model that has been created by amalgamating different models into one singular model. For Instance: Architectural, MEP and Structural BIM Services can be used to created individual models which are then combined to created federated BIM models on which multi-disciplinary coordination can take place to ensure that there are no clashes.

5. BOQ and BOM:

Bill of Quantities provides precise details about the quantities of materials, parts or labour requirements that will be necessary to complete any given task. It is prepared by the cost consultant or quantities surveyor. Bill of Materials specifies the raw materials, components, sub components or parts that would be required to complete a project.

In part one of the article, we have looked at the first five terms that any AEC professional must know with regards to BIM. In the second part we will be looking at five more BIM terms i.e. BIM Maturity Levels, BIM Coordination Services, types of clashes and BIM protocols.
