4 skills that make a good CAD Drafter

4 skills that make a good CAD Drafter

The construction industry heavily relies on CAD Drafting Services for the creation of 2D documentation. These construction documents are used for onsite construction and any errors in these drawings could lead to considerable loss of time, resources and money. Looking at the importance of accuracy here the drafter needs to have some specific skills so they can ensure precision in drafting 2D documents.

Any construction company puts a lot of effort into maintain their human resources. Firstly, it is finding the right staff thereby onboarding them, training them and providing them with all the hardware and software requirements. Thus, a lot of investment goes into the human resource and hence they should be selected keeping in mind some criteria. It should not just be hard skills like domain specific knowledge, expertise in software etc. but even soft skills like adaptability, communication etc. In the below article we look at the four main skills that a good CAD Drafter must possess.

1. Domain-Specific Knowledge:

This is perhaps the most obvious but the drafter should have sound knowledge of his discipline along with in-depth understanding of interrelated fields of construction for instance a drafter with architectural background must have knowledge of mechanical, MEP, structural etc. The drafter should also have knowledge pf geometry and calculation along with the ability to make a variety of calculations as well as have knowledge of shapes, parameters, lines etc. He should also be aware of principles of planimetrics, projective and affine geometry etc.

The drafter should also have a thorough knowledge of building codes and standards. These standards are important for overall safety of the people who would be inhabiting the building as well as those who will be working onsite during construction. Even for project approval familiarity of codes and standards is required and any error could here lead to the project not being approved.

2. Expertise in different types of software:

There are a variety of CAD software like TurboCAD, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT software etc. These software can help draft 2D documentation, visualize concept, explore design ideas etc. Each software has its own pros and cons and can provide different advantages. The drafter should be aware of advantages and shortcoming of each software and based on the client’s and project’s requirements be able to operate the right software smoothly. Some companies also require that their drafters have knowledge of rendering and even BIM software so that they can give effective client presentations, create simulations etc.

3. Adaptability:

Though more a trait than a skill, adaptability is extremely crucial in business. Being a CAD Drafter means that the person will have to interact with people from all walks of life like project managers, coordinators, contractors, support staff etc. who might have their own opinions. A single draft could require multiple revisions sometimes and the CAD drafter should be able to rearrange his schedule, plans, specs etc. On top that there is the constantly evolving technology which might require the drafter to keep updated on new versions of software and hardware. He might have to attend webinars, conferences etc. to keep ahead of the curve. All these constant changes could be frustrating if the person doesn’t have the ability to keep adapting. Some people can easily adapt while others can learn to be more adaptive and achieve higher performance.

4. Communication Skills:

In all walks of life communication skills are very important. Working with others is the key to becoming a successful team member. As stated above the CAD drafter might have to work with other professionals and here clear communication becomes crucial. They should be able to express themselves clearly may it be in written form like emails, project memos etc. or in verbally. In communication listening is equally important and drafters should be able to clearly listen to the requirements of the client so that they can provide them right deliverables.

The above just lists some basic skills that all CAD drafters must possess in order to succeed in this highly competitive and fast-paced disciple. However, there are many more skills and competencies that specific companies look for when hiring a CAD drafter.

Looking for drafting requirements?

Tesla CAD AU is an architectural and engineering company providing CAD, BIM and 3D Rendering Services. Established in 2011, we have for the past 10 years worked with some of Australia’s leading construction companies and provided them with all the right resources to augment their construction process.
