What are ‘By Host view’ and ‘By Linked View ‘used for in Revit?
Controlling the visibility of objects in a model is one of the gravest issues for Revit users. Object visibility becomes an issue when more than one file is linked by users in their model. The problem of governing object visibility escalates when too many files are linked by uses in their project. This matter cannot be sorted out by user by turning off a category in Visibility/Graphics dialog. If a certain category is turned off by users in Visibility/Graphics, it would have adverse consequences in terms of controlling object visibility in a 3D model that has many linked files in within it.
Uses of ‘By Host View’ and ‘By Linked View’ options in Revit
- Revit has a very unique mechanism for dealing with the visibility issues of object within linked models as well as in the host model separately.
- This can be done with the assistance of ‘By Host View’ and ‘By Linked View’ options in Revit.
- So for governing the visibility issues of objects of linked and host files, Revit users have to make some alterations and adjustments in the settings of Revit Links Tab under Visibility/Graphics dialog.
- If Revit users select ‘By Host View’ option under Visibility/Graphics dialog, they can easily control the visibility of the objects of linked files separately from the objects of host project.
- As soon as By Host View is selected by users Revit quickly displays a RVT Link Display Settings dialog box in front of them.
- By using RVT Link Display Settings dialog, Revit users can easily manage visibility display of objects of linked files and objects of host files separately.
- In short when ‘By Host View’ option is used by Revit users, they can no way override the visibility related settings of linked model. This is because of the fact that host view controls its aspects and appearance.
- On the other hand ‘By Linked View’ option governs the appearance and display of the objects of linked models.
- That means with the assistance of ‘By Linked View’ option Revit users can easily pick a project view that they want to be displayed for the linked model.
So by using By Host View and By Linked View options Revit users can easily tackle the visibility issues of the objects of linked and host model.
In conclusion, understanding the By Host View and By Linked View settings in Revit is crucial for creating accurate and efficient families. By Host View allows a family to adapt to the parameters of the host element, while By Linked View allows for the family to be controlled by the parameters of the linked Revit file. By utilizing these settings, Revit family creators can ensure that their families are easily adjustable and can be used in a variety of projects. When providing Revit family creation services, it is important to have a thorough understanding of these settings in order to provide high-quality families that meet the specific needs of the project.