How to create a custom project template in Revit?
Project templates are exceptionally paramount for design and construction professionals when they begin with a new Revit project. In fact project templates are optimized by modelers and Revit technicians as a starting point or the prerequisite for a new project. It incorporates all the crucial information in it that is required by design professionals for developing current project. Information that is accommodated in a project template includes model elements like doors and windows, title blocks and annotation elements like view references etc. It is mandatory for design professionals that they specify a location for saving all these families before developing project template. These custom families are often needed by professionals for accomplishing Revit projects.
Process of creating project template
- The first step that should be taken by Revit users is to open the program.
- That mean users are required to go to Revit, then click ‘New’ and then select ‘Project’
- Once Project is selected Revit users get an option to create a template from an existing template or they can create an entirely fresh project template.
- So for creating a fresh project template Revit users have to select ‘Project template’ that is located under Create new tab.
- Once project template is selected by the users they have to click ‘OK.’
- When Revit users do not develop a project template based on an existing template, in that case Revit displays a dialog box named as ‘Select Initial Units.’
- When ‘Select Initial Units’ dialog is displayed in front of users they are recommended to specify Metric units.
- After Metric unites are specified Revit users have to define template settings.
- Now users should create some sort of geometry that would be required by them while working on a new Revit project.
- Once geometry is created users are now required to save it as ‘Template’
- Geometry creation completes our process of developing a custom project template in Revit.
- After this users are required to select a directory for the newly created template.
- Once directory is selected users have to click ‘Save.
So if the above mentioned steps are properly followed by the users they can successfully create custom project template in Revit.