Process of developing family framework in Revit

Process of developing family framework in Revit

Before describing and discussing the right way of developing a family framework in Revit I would like to ask my readers what is family framework.  Well family framework is nothing but the supporting structure of a family which is constructed out of reference plane and parameters which are later on used by Revit users for drawing family geometry. For developing family framework Revit users are required to define family origin which means designers have to define the insertion point of those elements that are created by them with the family.

Family framework is then created by Revit users with the assistance of reference planes and reference lines.

Process of developing family framework in Revit

  • For developing appropriate family framework Revit users are required to define family origin at the first place. Family origin is often defined once a component family is created by Revit users.
  • When family origin is defined by Revit users two reference planes are often intersected with each other in a view.
  • When it comes to defining the family origin with the assistance of reference planes, Revit users can easily govern and control reference planes by changing their properties after selecting them.
  • However, with the assistance of various family templates families can also be developed by Revit users with predefined origin.
  • But there are some families wherein Revit users are required to set origin.
  • Once family origin is thoroughly defined by users they are then required to lay out reference planes.
  • Reference planes must be sketched by Revit users before they start drawing family geometry.  This is because sketches and geometry can be easily snapped by Revit users to reference planes.
  • After this Revit users are required to define properties for reference plans. ‘Is Reference’ is one of the property of reference planes and if this property  is set by users it indicates or specifies that reference planes can be easily dimensioned when a family is placed into a project by users.
  • After this reference lines can be used by Revit users for creating and developing a parametric family framework. Elements of a family can be easily attached to a parametric family framework.
  • After this angular dimensions of a family can be controlled with reference lines by Revit users.
  • Revit users are now required to dimension reference planes and lines which end up our process of creating family framework.
