Revit Parametric Families: Check out the process of creating component family
Parametric families are nothing but the components that are developed or controlled by optimizing parameters. Revit parametric families are indispensable for developing 3D models of multidiscipline building systems in Revit environment. Parametric families can be categorized in three different forms such as system families, component families and in-place families. System families are in-built families in Revit which means they can neither be created nor be deleted by any Revit users. No external file can help in loading these families to your project.
However, Revit users can create and customize component families by utilizing Revit tools and they can use external libraries or databases for storing these families. Whereas in-place families, that are used for specific projects can also be customized but these families cannot be used again.
Process of creating component families in Revit
The process of family creation starts with creating a new file, wherein the users have to optimize Revit application menu and then select a new file from it.
Selection of family template is the first major step while creating component families in Revit. Selection of template determines family category as well as its behavior with other Revit components.
Plan your parameters: Selection of appropriate parameters is very crucial for creating families since they are optimized for controlling variable values like size and material etc.
Create model geometry: Creating model geometry is nothing but assigning dimensions to your family. For example you are creating a door family then shape and size of the door can be decided by you by allotting parameters to it. That means the length and breadth of the door can be fully decided by you.
Next comes setting visibility rules: By setting visibility rules Revit users can control the visibility of family components.
Create family types: Family types are created in Revit so that it can assist its users to change multiple parameters simply by selecting the family type. Family creation is completed in Revit by finally creating family type.
In this way highly useful component families are created in Revit.