Different kinds of file formats with which files are saved in Navisworks

Different kinds of file formats with which files are saved in Navisworks

Navisworks is designed by Autodesk for reviewing various kinds of 3D models, make use of different file formats to accomplish the task of model review. It will not be wrong to say that the strength of Navisworks lies in its ability or capacity to open and view different kinds of files that are created by various CAD software. The capacity of the software can also be determined by optimizing these files to convert them into an information rich composite model, which can be used by various teams involved in design enhancement, design review and coordination process.

Navisworks has the ability to convert and compress approximately all the files up to 80% which helps in improving sharing and collaboration.

The file formats which are optimized or utilized by Navisworks are NWD, NWC and NWF.

NWD file which is also known as ‘Navisworks Documents file,’ is a basic file format. This file format is used by Navisworks users to save loaded models, view points, markup, comments etc. For opening this file Navisworks product and Navisworks Freedom viewer are needed.

NWC file is also known as ‘Navisworks cache file’ and these files are generated by default when a user appends or opens a CAD file in Navisworks. But these files can also be developed by using a specific file exporter. NWC files are nothing but read-only files that are used as a mechanism to change or convert data from CAD and Revit files into a format that can be read by Navisworks. All the data like geometry, information related to object property, and display settings are imported from the original source file in Navisworks with the assistance of NWC files.

It is also important to note that when a CAD file is imported or linked to Navisworks by users, it creates a same file and saves it as .nwc file extension. So when Navisworks users open an NWC file in it, it compares the data of newly generated NWC file with the original source file. In case if the original source file is equipped with new data which cannot be found in newly created NWC file, it re-caches the file. This emphasizes that if developments are made in project design, they can be reflected in Navisworks model.

NWF file contain links to the geometry that is related to the original source file. That means no 3D geometry is actually stored in this file format. Besides containing links to original file, it also carries viewpoints, comments, graphical overrides and clash detective data etc.  The file Size of NWC files is comparatively very small when compared to NWD and NWC file formats.

To enhance the productivity of the project while working on Navisworks, it is generally recommended to use NWF file format.
