Role of Australia’s Construction Industry amidst Bush-Fire 2019-20 – Part 2

Role of Australia’s Construction Industry amidst Bush-Fire 2019-20 – Part 2

Australia’s Construction Industry has a critical role amidst the Bush-fire and complete wrath of climate change. They are causing various problems for nature and the infrastructure in many areas. The situation is still the same; people’s health is at stake | wildlife is in danger, and on top of that, the Air Quality Index of countries major city has depleted.

We are here to show; what significant risks Australia might face concerning its construction industry. I.e., after the demolition of a massive amount of infrastructure, its industries role in starting re-building and re-constructing buildings/houses, etc. in the affected areas. There are still risks or specific areas where the consumer, as well as the industry, has to make themselves accountable for a Better Tomorrow.

We discussed the Effect of Bush-fire on Australia’s Construction Industry in a previous article, “Part One.” Make sure you go through it.

Listing down main risk below,

Air Pollution

The Bush fire effect has escalated massively in the country. It is affecting cities with populated areas like Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. Hazardous smoke has depleted the Air Quality Index in these cities, which makes it hard for people in their daily lives. The exhausted air quality also affects the income for people as Shops, Restaurants; Offices are forcefully to shut down.

The fire that is spreading in the country creates dangerous fumes of smoke, which mixes in the air and affects people’s respiratory system. In this scenario, the construction industry has to work towards re-building | renovate the affected areas. Imagine already the air quality index is depleted, and the process of construction chosen also supports the lousy air quality?

How is that possible? | If the construction industry doesn’t take any control over actions, then the areas where construction is working might support the air pollution — generating more sand particles, smoke, and masonry spreading in the air because of the selection of process by the industry.

Australia’s construction industry has to take bold steps and a pledge to reduce air pollution in their work.

Air Quality Index

A construction blog research by BIMHOW only stated a data in one of their blogs as

Construction Industry it self’s contributed 23% – Air Pollution | 50% – Climate Change | 40% – Water Pollution | 50% of Landfill wastes (Landfill is a site waste disposal happens)

US Green Building Council also researched and stated that the construction industry accounts for 40% of worldwide energy usage. That we guess is enough to intrigue the thought.

If we go specifically to the subject,

  • Chemicals used on-site.
  • Usage of Diesel.
  • Building Materials: Concrete | Steel | Aluminium | Sand, etc.

All of the above points affect the environment, especially in the field of Air Pollution. Our main objective is to share that even after the wrath of climate change through Bushfire, Construction Industry possesses the capacity to create similar or more amount of air pollution in the country. Hence, we must make them accountable for taking bold actions in this scenario.

Don’t worry; we won’t keep you hanging after the pile of news that might affect the thought process of your day if at all, it is thought through!

For the consumer | customer | user | or just a reader interested in the construction industry, Here’s how the construction industry of the country can take a step in preserving the environment.

Awareness of Rules and Regulation provided by Environment Protection Agency

Meaning that each of the company/industry head has to go through the document first! And post that inform all the workers and employees to work by the rules and make them understand that their firm takes care of the environment.

Controlling the Erosion and Sediments – When the land is eroded and the sediments start washing/flying away does cause pollution. The industry has to design a plan, maintain and minimize the discharge of pollutants.

Soil Stabilization (A term used when through any physical, mechanical, biological, chemical, or mixed-method is used to change natural soil into a soil which can be used for engineering purposes.) Whenever the project of excavating is planned, the soil stabilization MUST be started immediately and be completed in deadline (decided by the industries rules and regulations)

Useful measurements and maintenance is to be done for the usage of Chemicals during the construction process. As some of them can harm the workers themselves and others the entire environment. Hence, to make sure pollutants and waste (liquid/gas/solid) are discharged safely, specific measures must be taken. Which later will help in the effective prevention of pollution.

Other Important Measurements

Waste Water from different washouts to be prohibited for certain areas | unless managed and maintained by appropriate control.

Discharge of wastewater because of oil release, concrete washing, mixing of materials, compound curing should be prevented from specific areas. (Where the discharge water can affect the environment and health of people.)

Discharge of oil, fuel, and other harmful elements must be prohibited fight everything as discussed here, the idea of the green building must be used, to know more about that stay tuned to our next blog.

For the sake of the environment and your health, remember the things discussed here. If you are the construction industry ~ Make yourself and your community accountable. | If you are just a reader here for knowledge ~ Make sure you make the trade or whoever works for construction in your area liable.

Climate Change has already shown its wrath through Bush-fires; we do not want Australia’s Construction Industry to amplify the effect and increase the worry and trouble.

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