Building Information Modelling being a Catalyst to Sustainable Construction.

Building Information Modelling being a Catalyst to Sustainable Construction.

Building Information Modelling being a Catalyst to Sustainable Construction. BIM for sustainable construction isn’t a far-sighted idea that we are going to discuss. BIM Services for sustainability will be a great leap of faith for Australia’s Construction Industry as well as the only option for industry keeping in mind the situation of the country.

Relevance for Sustainable Construction 

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the blog for the Bush Fire, we have already discussed the Importance of Sustainability in the Construction Industry of Australia.

Now, concerning connecting sustainability with already available technologies. Let’s see how Building Information Modelling can also support the idea of Sustainability. 

Sustainable Construction: The Idea

Let’s see what perception Sustainable Construction has while researching around on internet we got this: 

“Sustainable Construction looks forward to aligning with the current era’s needs of the construction industry. Categories like offices/houses and other infrastructure without compromising the potential of next gen’s way of work as per the time ahead.”

Sustainable Construction infuses elements of environmental performance, economic efficiency, and social responsibility to contribute to a greater extent. Consideration of durable construction goes beyond the quality of architecture, innovation, and transfer-ability.”

 What we can comprehend is that the idea of sustainability travels a long distance than we think. It can come through many things which we might not have any idea about, but they do support the same purpose.

 Anything that focuses on the efficiency of resources and energy in the building, performance of materials used, the technology utilized, Design and management of the entire process keeping in mind different scenarios, can be called as working towards Sustainability. 

The world is getting aware day by day, and woke culture is helping everyone to realize the importance and effects of climate change. The awareness is pushing the 

Construction industry to shift towards smart and sustainable resources on account of this consequence. It’s been several years for the introduction of Building Information Modelling in the global world. That technology has majorly supported and helped the construction industry to get better at every step and every area.

Building Information Modelling with Sustainable Construction: Alliance

BIM is a tool that helps in providing better insights to efficiently Plan – Design – Construct things which later support in better management of Buildings and Infrastructure. The device works in a way where it segregates the entire life cycle of a process and provides detailed information on a construction process. So for any construction process or any specific project where we are giving conscious efforts to make things sustainable, BIM can be a catalyst for the procedure.

  • Building Information Modeling will increase awareness for the construction manager, architect, etc. concerning each phase of the construction life cycle. BIM will increase efficiency in the process, especially in the Design Phase.
  • Using BIM will allow the Engineer/Architect to have better control of the operations during the process.

Increase Awareness.

Building Information Modelling tool works in a way where every information about the project stored and shown through a model. This Model is available to every worker of the project. They are making people aware of repercussions – output – outcome – update on each area. Through which Engineer/Architect can make sure the issue is sustainable. 

For instance, In the Planning Phase of Construction, Phase, which is the base for the entire process. 

Pure attention and detail in the process of BIM help in the improvement of efficiency for the entire process. And when we look forward to planning for “Sustainable Constructions,” the relating and attentiveness rise up 2 bars, as we have to be aware of renewable energies, heat losses, Ventilation, and Insulation, Orientation of the place, etc. The output of the planning stage might increase the budget for the design stage. Although that increase in the budget might be cost-effective seeing the long run along with an advantage of reduced waste.

Using BIM will allow infusing creativity and innovation from the architect/engineers’ brains to bring out sustainable changes and creations for use.

Such awareness infuses transparency within all the Contractors / Engineers / Suppliers / Consumers, which helps in making each of them accountable to the end goal of Sustainability. 

Increase Efficiency

Miscommunication – Not so Transparency – Unawareness are the primary reason for lack of efficiency. As in the previous topic of awareness, we discussed. Each of the people working on the project is aware of each detail and information through the Building Information Modelling tool. Which in itself increases efficiency. Once people are aware, they get accountable. Hence they will provide all their inputs in detail for achieving sustainability. 

When the 3D virtual prototypes are being made, through real-time sharing, we can utilize them to provide inputs in Sequencing and Logic of construction. Through BIM, every step in all three processes are examined and analyzed; resulting in:

  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Efficient use of workers
  • Improvement in productivity.
  • Speed of Work. (Artificial Intelligence can also provide advantage w.r.t. speed)

And other small/significant outcomes.

Till now, one thing you might have read a lot of times is about efficiency; about how BIM Services will make processes efficient and later resulting in sustainability. 

Through Artificial Intelligence used In the BIM Drafting Services, You can gather information about weather conditions, temperature, sunlight, etc., which will help you to decide the orientation of the building, with the possibility of building a Zero Energy Building.

Better Control

Usually, once we finish the construction, there is no such responsibility of the engineer/architect/owner to stay updated with the operations unless there is a need for reconstruction or renovation. More than engineer/architecture having no obligation, it is hard to have control over the services for them. 

But through BIM, 3D models created in them can store all the data and insights about the building, which can be shared directly to Engineer/Architect/Owner, helping them to fulfill the complete potential of the construction. 

It also allows us to have better control over the timeline. Reduce the delays, lengths, etc. for the project resulting in better productivity. Authority on waste management and re-use of such waste is also possible. 

Through different kinds of services like MEP BIM Coordination Services, 3D BIM Services benefits, and efficiency is assured. For instance, with the help of 6D-7D BIM Services, the decibel of sound and consumption of fuel can also be reduced. 

BIM also helps in better control and procurement of our machines, materials, and assets, which results in increased environmental impact. Sometimes, consumers or workers fail to remember the advantage of technology concerning the Lifespan of a Building. The original work of the construction firm mainly depends on the Life-Span of the Construction. When we utilize 7D BIM Services, we literally can calculate the lifespan of our building; because of already stored data of Plan of the building – Materials used – Design – Construction Phase and operation control. 

Through everything discussed above. It is easy to say;

Yes, BIM helps in Efficiency of Time | Cost | Material, but more than that, it allows us to have Better Control on reducing the damage/harm we do on the environment. 


It is more than clear now: Through Better Control, Increased Efficiency, and Awareness / Transparency in process BIM can help us contributing a significant portion during the process of building a Sustainable Construction. The idea of sustainability doesn’t rest at just Design, reduction, construction, and timelines. It will always go beyond that, and BIM Services can be Big Catalyst to it.
