Latest BIM Trends across AEC Industry
Building information modeling (BIM) has already achieved a huge success in developing robust and efficient building designs and models. It has become an essential part of the AEC industry. It is preferably implemented in AEC (Architecture, Engineering Construction) industry for constructing any kind of building i.e. it can be a small complex, a skyscraper or a green building. Nowadays, it has brought substantial improvements in healthcare unit.
BIM modeling has a big role in estimating and reducing project costs, performing effective project scheduling and managing building facilities. It helps professionals i.e. Architects, Designers, Modelers and Engineers to develop firmed coordination between its different phases and helps to perform the project works conveniently.
Since the beginning of BIM, several modifications have been done with it and much new feature-rich software as well as various new techniques has been introduced for utilizing it in a more effective way. Hence, the trends in implementing BIM have also changed gradually over the past years.
By analyzing the BIM trends prediction report, performed by ‘The American Institute of Architects (AIA)’, we can conclude about the contemporary as well as upcoming BIM trends as:
• BIM is signaling for huge progressive changes in design software’s and data sharing process which is mainly done to exchange data between various phases of a BIM life cycle. These data are basically shared amongst team members as well as authorized peoples like contractors, builders, etc. Data sharing is performed by transferring them from one system to another. Thereby, it improves communication among all the peoples who are involved in the project effectively. Thereby, improvements in BIM data sharing will assist to develop precisely integrated as well as efficient building designs along with building sustainability.
• Tastes of peoples are changing every day which leads to high demand of developing new buildings or reconstructing old buildings i.e. the demand of BIM usage is growing rapidly across AEC industry.
• Latest BIM trends exhibits that an improvement is expected in BIM modeling, rendering, sequencing and walk-through process which will help viewers to visualize a planned building more transparently.
• BIM modeling enhancements will assist to develop more precise coordinated building structures as a result it will reduce the possibilities of getting clash within structures.
• The latest report exhibits that in the coming days the trends of constructing Sustainable buildings or Green buildings are very high. BIM is significantly implemented for Green building constructions. Hence, its usage will be increased remarkably.
Tesla CAD Solutions is a one stop BIM and CAD services provider in Australia. We offer all kinds of BIM services including building facilities management and green building design at affordable rates to all clients based in Australia.