How can MEP Design help improve building Sustainability?
There has been a debate as to whether the cause of global warming is cyclical, or people created. Nonetheless, global warming boils down to out-of-control carbon emissions. As per a report by the World Green Building Council, building and construction is responsible for around 39 per cent of the world’s CO2 emissions, accounting for 22 per cent of operational emissions.
The role of sustainable building through MEP design has become an important aspect for the construction industry. A thoughtfully carved out MEP design helps in creating a sustainable approach which is the need of the hour due to carbon emissions. Sustainability impacts mainly three aspects: environmental, economic, and social. The recent development in the construction industry is that all the owners need to build green buildings or sustainable building design as it minimizes environmental impact and maximizes human comfort.
Ways to improve Sustainability through MEP Design Services of a Building
MEP systems consume the maximum amount of energy in a building. When designed efficiently, they can contribute greatly towards creating energy efficient buildings. The best strategies to promote sustainability in building design are:
* Control CO2 Emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions from buildings are emitted from HVAC systems, electrical appliances as well as from the combustion of fossil fuels that provides energy for heating, cooling, lighting, etc. Carbon dioxide is also emitted from manufacturing, transporting and disposing building materials. Design of efficient HVAC systems with MEP BIM Services and regular maintenance reduces CO2 emissions significantly. Other ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are by reducing water usage, and by using recycled and locally sourced building materials.
* Energy Consumption in HVAC and Lighting Systems
Backed by AI learning technology, HVAC systems can be adjusted automatically and in real-time to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste. Impending weather conditions can be predicted by leveraging IoT data and thereby adjusting air conditioner settings accordingly. Even human activity in a given room can be tracked by using certain technology by measuring floor temperature and thus adjusting AC and heating levels.
To reduce energy consumption, eco-friendly lighting fixtures with motion sensors must be used so that lights are turned on when people walk into a place and are switched off when they exit the space.
* Reduced use of Water
Many different designs and methods can lower water consumption and thus save on water consumption bills. Installing low-flow fixtures as faucets by the owner can reduce water consumption more than standard faucets, and low-flow toilets can lower flush consumption. Also, using a solar hot water system, an electric heat pump hot water system or a gas hot water system and AAA-rated showers reduces the use of water.
Furthermore, greywater systems can be used to conserve water usage which redirects and recycles the once-used water for other purposes. Rainwater harvesting can also be implemented for conserving water usage in the building.
* Optimized Power Utilization
In a building, there is electricity consumption by many pieces of equipment such as lighting, computers, office equipment, and heating and cooling systems. To makean electrical system effective in a building, there should be proper coordinationbetween the power and special systems, programming the sizes, and location of occupied space. Electrical BIM Services talks about how the electrical systems in a building will operate and function and what methods can be used to minimize wastage and save energy consumption costs.
* Plan for Easy Maintenance and enduring Building Life
After construction, maintenance costs of the building should be kept low by implementing robust MEP systems in place which in turn saves costs in the long run. It can be implemented in various ways such as designing MEP systems with elements that use less water and customizing it for maximum efficiency.
The concept of sustainability in MEP Design is increasing rapidly. So, designers and engineers must make the design by adhering to sustainability standards and codes. It will not only increase the lifespan of the building but also enhance the health of occupants.