How to integrate laser scanning with complete BIM Services

How to integrate laser scanning with complete BIM Services

Laser scanning technology is used extensively today in the survey industries and measuring companies for renovation and retrofit projects. Not long before, the survey companies indulged in manual measuring processes of an existing structure which was not a very seamless process. There were plenty of issues involving the accuracy of data available, inability to visualize the inside issues in terms of wear and tear of internal pipes or other MEP components. Laser scanning technology has made surveying and measurement of the existing structures less complex. When laser scanning is integrated with BIM technology it can offer excellent results and assistance in renovation projects. It is a lethal combination of process and technology.

This technology does demand initial investment and understanding of the technology on the whole however the output and the level of support that BIM provides is exemplary. Scan to BIM Services, can be used across all levels and phases of construction. Point cloud modelling is more often used for the analysis of the existing structures. The analysis determines the current structure and lays the foundation for the renovation process and proposed design.  In addition to the old design, BIM integration also helps in implementing other dimensions like 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D BIM in the existing and new proposed model. Scan to BIM Modelling is contributing extensively by working with an integrated approach and providing a great value addition.

Let us understand the overall integration process and how the point cloud scanning process works. Laser scanning process basically works with a “Laser Scanner” that scans the surrounding areas with unique laser beams that are emitted and creates a “point cloud” image that is later registered to form workable scan files. Latest laser scanning is extremely fast and emits as much as 1000 beams in a second resulting in faster process and accurate point cloud data. These scans later can be converted in to 3d BIM models with the help of Recap or any other support plug in for BIM. The scan to BIM conversion process can be phased out in three important parts

Registration of the scans: Registration of the scans is the first step towards the point cloud to BIM Modelling process. Different scan data is captured from different angles and locations. All these scans are later stitched together depending on the location points. This process is also known as the registration process. The noises are removed and the images are processed to reduce the size. These scans once registered can be loaded on Revit using recap. The registered scans can be in .E57, .RCP or .RCS files. There are other formats like .PTS, .LAS etc. too that is widely used.  There are specific registration software that are available for the entire process. Laser scans are essentially large sized and complex in nature.

2D Drafting or 3d Modelling stage: Once the scans are registered they need to be converted in to 2D CAD Drawings or a 3D BIM Model. These scans are loaded on a BIM software through recap and reviewed to create a detailed or presentation BIM Model. This absolutely depends on the client whether he wants to use the model for construction or for design presentation to understand the existing structure.   3D Models can be created in massing format, LOD 200 and 300, LOD 400 and entire as built LOD 500. The LOD 500 includes the existing construction as it is. The detailing will include the actual components, wall detail, roof, fixtures, movable and fixed furniture etc. Additional information or building data, proposed design etc. can be added to the 3D model depending on further process and utilization of Point clouds in the entire building lifecycle.

Integration of other BIM services

Apart from 3D information, clients can also integrate 3D information with different type of data such as date and time of implementation of each construction phase, materials and quantities required, no of people required to construct a building etc. With the help of these information for the new structure and reverse mapping that analyzes how the existing structures were built can be a great tool to validate the current and proposed design. With the help of these information we can work on 4D construction sequencing that can specify the construction phases with a time line simulation as to which floor gets constructed when with an animated simulation.

We can also work with 5D BIM Modeling as a part of the design validation process. Post the 3d BIM Modeling, we can get the costing and budgets of the existing design as well as the proposed design. The same model can be used for populating data for energy analysis and facility management. By working on the multiple facets of scan to BIM Modeling services we can integrate all the dimensions of the BIM project life cycle with the scan data to further enhance the project output and deliveries

When survey companies or measuring companies use laser scans they are opening the door for an entirely new spectrum of integrated work flow. The skill of capturing the entire existing structure broken up into specific building information that can be used for Architectural, Structural and MEP BIM Modelling, BIM coordination and prefabrication alongside 4D construction sequencing or 5D costing makes it a very promising opportunity in future for the construction industry.  To implement Scan to BIM services, one certainly shall require high speed internet, high end computer with good RAM Size, graphic cards and large cloud storage space.


Using point cloud to BIM Modelling services certainly give a construction company, contractor or survey companies an edge over others.  This integrated BIM process shall definitely give a great output in terms of delivery and cost.
