How to import a file from SketchUp to Revit?

How to import a file from SketchUp to Revit?

Many a times for the spontaneous modeling of building elements, design and construction professionals use SketchUp and the file is then imported in Revit for fine tuning it by adding necessary details. This indicates that when it comes to quickly developing a rough design in 3D, it can be done in Sketch up and later on the design can be refined by the modelers in Revit wherein detailing can be done for it. For accomplishing this objective Revit users are required to import a SKP file to Revit.

Process of importing a SketchUp file in Revit

  • Before importing a SketchUp file in Revit, users are required to create a family in Revit family editor, which can be used for importing the file.
  • Once a family is created, Revit users are required to click Insert tab then Import panel and finally Import CAD.
  • Once Import CAD is clicked by users they are required to find out the folder wherein SketchUp file is saved.
  • Import CAD Formats dialog helps Revit users in identifying the SketchUp file.
  • For specifying Files of Type it is important to select SKP file.
  • Once the required file is selected for import, users are required to specify import settings.
  • When all the required import settings are successfully specified by users they can then click Open.
  • Once Open is clicked by Revit users, it allows them to successfully import the SketchUp file in Revit.
  • That means when Open is clicked, Revit users can access the SKP file in their Revit project.
  • For effectively viewing the elements of the SketchUp file users have to do a few additional things.
  • For example, when it comes to enhancing the visibility, users are required to select ‘Shaded with Edges’ option from the View Control Bar.
  • When it comes to making adjustment in the drawing area for the sake of showing the complete mass, users are required to type ZF.
  • ZF is an abbreviated form which is used for referring Zoom to Fit.

In this way a SketchUp file can be effectively imported and used in Revit.
