Classification of Revit Families

Classification of Revit Families

Revit Families are an important and powerful tool which is a crucial part of any 3D model. They are hence often referred to as the ‘building blocks’ of any 3D model. When they are operated with expertise and experience these Revit-based parametric BIM tools allows the designer to get accurate and professional results.

Revit Autodesk library has a range of certain 3D elements that are already present, however the options are minimal and their specifications don’t always match the project requirements. Here the designer makes uses of Revit Families. Revit Families are smaller elements that represent specific geometry feature and are created to be placed within the 3D Model. They have a common set of properties, called parameters, and a related graphical representation. They can be structural elements like beams, columns, or non-structural like walls, windows, doors etc. It can also be utilized in MEP BIM Modelling for example to create sprinklers, switch boards, Diffusers etc.   

The use of Revit Families makes it easier for the designer to change and manage the projects more effectivity in two ways. One by allowing the designer to add both standard and custom elements and second by allowing a level of control over elements that have similar uses and behaviors.

Let us below understand the three classifications of a Revit Family.

1. System Families:

A system family type is used to construct the very basic building elements like walls, floor, slabs, ducts etc. in the 3D Model. These are elements without which any building can’t be built.  Their parametric, graphical and documentation requirements already exist in the Revit software and they cannot be edited but their configurations might be altered. Since they are embedded within the project file they don’t need to be loaded from an external file and also cannot be saved to a location outside the project. They can however be seamlessly transferred between templates or projects.  

System Families can’t be created or deleted but a designer can duplicate a system family and then configure it to create a custom system family type. A System family can host other kind of families also, usually loadable families.

2. Loadable Families:

A Loadable family type is created in external RFA file and is then imported into the project RVT file. These are user friendly and extremely customizable in nature. They are flexible and assigned parameters which can be both physical and related to data.  

Loadable Families are generally used to create building and system components that are purchased, delivered, fabricated and installed in the building. They can range from doors, windows, ceilings to more intricate MEP components like plumbing fixtures, faucets, pipes etc. It can also be used to provide annotation to certain elements by adding bar codes, serial numbers, asset codes etc.

Benefit of Loadable family becomes extremely evident while creating an element which has many minute fragments.  Each part can be created in a different. RFA file and then all of them can be imported into the master file, its parameters can then be edited to create the desired geometric component.  By nesting existing families inside other families a lot of time can be saved. Moreover, since loadable families are parametric in nature they can be loaded on any model and be adapted to the project environment as needed.

3. In-Place Elements:

These are distinctive elements that are created specifically when a given project or a client needs distinctive geometry. It is generally utilized by the architect for unique elements in the project for example a particular design in the wall.  In a given project the designer can create multiple in-place elements and can also use copies of the same in-place element. But the two limitations of In-Place elements are that it increases the project file size and also that it doesn’t allow information regarding all of Virtual 3D Model’s parameters. This limitation however has been addressed in the latest version of Revit, and can be solved when IN-Place elements are converted into loadable elements.


Revit Family Creation Services is an integral part of any BIM solutions. They help in the development of high quality and error free 3D models. Mistakes in creating Revit Families on the other hand can lead to huge monetary losses in terms of erroneous construction size, ordering of wrong materials etc.  Hence, choosing the right partner who is proficient and experienced is very important. Depending on the reliability of the partners, offshore outsourcing can end up saving a lot of time and resources for the company.
