A few tips to speed up rendering in 3ds max!
3ds Max, which is developed by Autodesk Media and Entertainment is a 3D computer graphics program meant to be used by professional renderers or designers as they are known in architectural industry. It is leveraged by renderers to create stunning images or models by optimizing its features and tools. 3ds Max that can be used on windows platform for developing photorealistic architectural images is also equipped with modeling abilities. That means it can be optimized by renderers for comprehensive modeling, rendering and animation solutions.
Tips for speeding up rendering in 3ds Max
There are few important things that should be kept in mind by renderers while doing rendering in 3ds max for improving project productivity.
- It is important for renderers to note that speed of rendering depends a lot on polycount so whenever a model is rendered in 3ds max it is suggested to reduce the polycount to minimum. If a 3ds max user is using more polycount rendering speed is definitely going to slow down.
- Use of polycount depends on level of detail required by clients, so when the project does not require too much detailing, please restrict your polycount as per required.
- If renderers are using Vray which is a commercial rendering plug-in, use the one with maximum polycount.
- While producing shadows in an image, it is recommended not to keep too many subdivisions on shadows.
- To increase the rendering speed it is important to remove all the unnecessary objects from the scene. The more unwanted objects will remain in the scene, the slower will be rendering speed.
- The use of high poly objects is conditional, for example if the object is too closer to camera high poly objects can be used.
- Instead of modeling every object or detail, map should be used by 3ds Max users since it can save a lot of time.
- Don’t add unnecessary glossy effects to the scene, until and unless it really is required.
- A lot of RAM is required when objects are displaced by using 2d displacement mapping method, so use 3d displacement mapping methods to displace objects.
So above mentioned are only some of the tips which can save a lot of time while performing rendering.