4 Benefits of MEP BIM Coordination

4 Benefits of MEP BIM Coordination

If BIM is the virtual construction, then without the mechanical, electrical and plumbing, if only the architectural and structural elements that are proposed in the pre-construction phase are taken into account, it leaves room for innumerable mistakes. It is only the careful synthesis of Architecture, Structure, and MEP that the construction process can follow a spearheading tangent. Through BIM, the entire set of the building data can be accumulated in a single model, making MEP BIM coordination an indispensable instrument to safeguard the process from clashing. Clash detection is not just made easier to carry out but exemplified. The potential costs of inaccuracy in the latter stages are considerably eliminated.

The 4 major benefits that MEP BIM coordination offers are

#1 Clash Detection at early stages

The Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides crucial insight into essential data in terms of the design of the building. The process of resolution of clashes between mechanical, electrical and plumbing is best sorted out at the earlier stages, rather than uprooting the process mid-way due to minor miscalculations.

#2 Complete resolution of design issues before the start of construction

The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing coordination service is the addition of all the building services with architectural and structural components. In the BIM, there is a three-dimensional representation of each and every dimension of the components that allow for the encompassing presentation, viewed and understood by all. A landslide of complications can be prevented when we are aware of the amalgamation of connection of the six components of the construction process.

#3 Reduces / Eliminates project delays

To understand this with an illustration, a minor Heat load miscalculation may lead to the entire re-wiring of the electric conduit of an entire building, an improper size of an elevator shaft which interferes with an HVAC duct may cause the repositioning of the entire shaft. These complications when viewed in a conventional trial and error ‘drawing and producing’ medium, will show no errors due to the lack of finesse of a comprehensive report that makes allowance for these errors that appear to be menial but are paramount, when they have to be amended later. Apart from geometrical and the man-made errors that are unaccounted for, there are also last minute changes that arise amidst the construction process. BIM will be quick to identify if there is coordination, or not, between designs, saving time and money, by providing the expeditious ability to move forward with the projected distinction.

#4 Cost Effective method of execution

BIM paves the way for an unmitigated review of the evaluation and correction of the scheduling and costing of the construction process (i.e. the 4D and 5D respectively) that aids in the presentation purposes.
