Point Cloud Modeling Services help in Defining and Improving the Quality of Renovation and Retrofit Projects

Point Cloud Modeling Services help in Defining and Improving the Quality of Renovation and Retrofit Projects

If in case Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals, had not experimented with high-end design software, then they wouldn’t have experienced the kind of growth that the industry has made in the last few decades. Last 10 to 20 years have really been dramatic for AEC industry especially in terms of how architects and engineers are dealing with design documentation for distinct types of construction projects.

Drastic improvements have been made in the way residential, commercial and industrial building projects are renovated these days. And all that has happened due to the acceptance of Building Information Modeling services in AEC industry.

Check out the design documentation process for renovation and retrofit projects:

  • Point cloud to modeling services are excessively efficacious part of the design documentation process of renovation and retrofit projects.
  • Before the execution of point cloud modeling services, which are performed by highly skilled BIM technicians, the buildings which needed renovation are scanned from top to bottom with the support of high-definition laser scanners.
  • Extraction of as-built information remains the major intention behind the implementation of laser scanning process during pre-construction.
  • In other words high-end laser scanners are considered the best tools for extracting detailed geometrical information from existing buildings.
  • Laser beams which are emitted from laser scanners can reach even in the most difficult places in the building and can capture accurate information from there.
  • The data which is captured by laser beams is known as point cloud data.
  • This data is then provided to architects, engineers, and BIM technicians, who use it for executing point cloud modeling services.
  • For creating 3D architectural, structural and MEP models from as-built information that is obtained during survey process, modelers have to use software such as Revit, ArchiCAD, Allplan, and Tekla etc.

So, if AEC professionals are assisted with high-quality point cloud modeling services, then even the highly complex buildings can be easily renovated by them with a great speed.

For more information email us @ projects@teslacad.com.au
